Tonight I flipped through some photos of the last 8 months. I was especially moved by the ones from the first couple of months. He looks so tiny and fragile and vulnerable. And I look pretty vulnerable too. I feel quite emotional thinking that he will never be that tiny again. Those first few weeks were such special days, but it is easy to forget that I found them quite hard at times as well- the tiredness, roller coaster of emotions, physical weakness, the very steep learning curve of learning to take care of a baby.
I think if I was doing it all over again I would tell myself to take things slow and to take any help offered! I think I was trying to act as if I was superwoman so I tried to bounce back too quickly. I think I was worried that if I didn't I would be very lonely and feel left out. Now looking back I realize that your first few months with a baby are so unique and that it's okay to slow down and step out of normal life because in time you will figure out your new way of doing things. But I guess this is all part of the learning process...
* The photo above was taken when Samuel was 6 weeks old. We went on our first excursion on our own. A birthday date for me to the Primrose Hill Bakery. SUCH a special day!
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