The Diptych Project: Games

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

 The Diptych Project: two friends (once neighbors & now an ocean apart), one theme
Top photo: Ann, bottom photo: Evie

We seem to have to gone straight from winter to summer here in the midwest... cold, cold, cold, HOT!  One day I was wearing a coat and jeans and then all of a sudden it became shorts weather.  I have realized how much I had gotten used to English summers.  Yes, I joined in on the complaining of too many cool and rainy days, pining for some hot weather, but actually now that it's only May and already are bedroom feels like an oven, the cooler summers are sounding more and more appealing.  The grass is always greener, eh:)?!  I must make a plan for finding ways to cool down so I can enjoy the summer: pool and early morning park visits are a must!  So are air conditioned museums and libraries!

Over the weekend, we celebrated a friend's milestone birthday with a barbecue at our local park.  We soon found out that two other children were also celebrating their birthdays and had a throng of cousins with them.  When they saw that we had brought a piñata with us, we suddenly had fifteen new friends!  The children took about a thousand turns trying to crack the piñata and in the end it was a baseball playing father who gave the final hit.  Chaos and delight ensued as the children excitedly gathered the sweets and toys.  Ahh, to be a child again!

Click here to see Evie's post about her photo and here to see the rest of the Diptych Project.

2 Response to The Diptych Project: Games

May 25, 2013 at 8:24 AM

oooh Uno!
Gee that card game brings back some memories!
The weathere here is a bit schizo at the moment too.. It's supposed to be heading into winter but it hasn't made up its' mind yet!

May 27, 2013 at 10:18 PM

Our weather is a bit crazy as we are supposed to be heading to summer and it's hot one day and rainy the next. These seasonal changes are confusing:)!

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