Setting sail

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Recently I have felt compelled to set some goals!  Life has been so busy over the last several months, but as things settle down and the days get shorter I am finding a restlessness in me and a desire to grow creatively.  As someone who does not like to make decisions until something feels right, setting goals has always proved challenging for me.  I fight the process as I often don't know where I want to be heading let alone thinking through the steps to get there.

I am realizing more and more the importance of having goals as they can be so helpful in providing a focus amongst all the busyness and tasks we have each day.  I have decided to set some very specific goals relating to my photography.  I am finding it really hard to carve out time to get out and take photos, especially of anything other than my children (though they are fantastic subjects!), but I think that having goals and sharing them will help keep photography as a priority amongst my other responsibilities.

What about you?  Are there things you dream about being better in but find it hard to prioritize?  May be it would help to set some goals.  I have decided to set some one month, six month and one year goals. It felt easier to have some immediate goals and then some longer term ones. They include joining an online photography forum, taking a course, several photography projects, and buying some new equipment.  I will let you know how I am getting on!  I would love to hear about your goals, too!

3 Response to Setting sail

October 24, 2012 at 10:51 PM

Hi There! I recently had a VERY productive day this past week where I accomplished several very important tasks. I owe this success to making a list of goals for that day. This simple action really made a big impression on me & suddenly I reflected on the times in college where I would map out a plan of action /goals to get from A to B. So, I'm going to purchase an old-school planner and get to work! LOVE your blog! -- Tyra

October 26, 2012 at 10:22 PM

Hi Tyra,It's so good to hear from you! I love to hear that you had such a productive day!

Definitely agree about getting an old school planner -I bought one recently and love being able to write everything down and especially love being able to cross things off when done! x

October 27, 2012 at 6:50 PM

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, too. I am going to sit down this evening and get some goal lists going. I'm a big list fan. It just feels so good to cross things off-even if it's just the dishes. :)

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