The Diptych Project: Easter

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Diptych Project: two friends (once neighbors & now an ocean apart), one theme
Top photo: Evie, bottom photo: Ann

My mom, Samuel and I dyed Easter eggs together over the weekend.  I had an idea in my head how the whole thing would go- this perfect little crafty time, but the reality was a lot messier, disordered, but actually much more fun!  I have been learning through life with a toddler that things just don't always go as planned, actually they mostly don't go as planned, but often that is where the interesting, teachable moments happen (for him and me!).  
Easter is all about new life and though I wasn't really sure how to explain that to Samuel, calling it Jesus's second birthday seemed to make sense to us all.  A time to celebrate new life, rebirth and a hope that never ends.  I am so thankful for that hope that even though I often make a mess of things, there is so much beauty in the chaos.

Please visit Evie's blog to learn more about what inspired her photo.
You can see our previous diptychs here.

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