The Diptych Project: Inspired by Ansel Adams

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

   The Diptych Project: two friends (once neighbors & now an ocean apart), one theme
Top photo: Ann, bottom photo: Evie

This week we set ourselves the daunting task of taking a photo inspired by the phenomenal photographer and environmentalist Ansel Adams.  Though a challenging proposition, it has been a great opportunity to study such an amazing artist and to learn from his photography style and process.  It has been inspiring to look through his online galleries and I would definitely recommend checking out this gallery to view his work.  

I took my photo at a friend's family farm in eastern Ohio.  They invited us out for the weekend and it was such a wonderful time to get out in to nature and enjoy a change of pace.  I must post more photos from our time there as the land had such a fascinating history with our friend's family.  The land was actually homesteaded when our friend's great grandparents arrived from Germany.  I was told that these family members stuck a flag in the land and claimed it as their own.  If only gaining property still worked that way!  Just down from this barn was the original home and though uninhabited and missing doors and windows, it was an interesting  glimpse in to history.

Click here to see Evie's post about her photo and here to see the rest of the Diptych Project.

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