The Diptych Project {Guest Posts}: My Weekend

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Diptych Project {Guest Posts}: two photos, one theme
Top photo: Betsy (USA), bottom photo: Jemma (UK)

Thoughts from Betsy:
'For the last three years the island of Manhattan has been my home, but we are now investigating a move. Opening up our minds to the possibility of living outside the constant hubbub of the city, we have begun apartment hunting in Brooklyn, which is arguably becoming a city in its own right. This photo is taken from the rooftop of an apartment building in Greenpoint, a traditionally Polish area northerly adjacent to the uber-trendy Williamsburg. Behind the low rise neighborhoods of Brooklyn and the unseen East River, the Manhattan skyline looms in the background. I have loved living in Manhattan: being lucky enough to see the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings every day as I go to work, I feel a sense of trepidation leaving this iconic metropolis behind. But if we were to live outside the city, with a view like this, perhaps it wouldn't be so much leaving it behind as enjoying it from afar?'

Thoughts from Evie:
'On Friday I realised that after rearranging some of our guest posts, I hadn't sorted out any guest posters to contibute this week. So big thanks to Betsy and Jemma who stepped in at really short notice and took photos for the Diptych Project this week.  I love the real NYC atmosphere that Betsy caught using her camera phone this weekend, and reading about what this photo meant to her. I think the grittyness of the camera phone suits the urban setting of the photo. As a fellow city dweller, I love to see the shape of cities you can only find in seeing their skyline. Though I wonder how much Betsy and her husband will have found the skyline change in a few years?

My favourite thing about this week's guest posts is the contrast between the two photographer's photographs / weekends, sometimes I think our (mine and Ann's) viewpoints are very similar in our interpretation of themes, but here we have the English countryside vs the NYC skyline, what could be more different?

Do you have a photo from your weekend? We would love to see it, slip on over to and The Diptych Project on Facebook and share it with us.

Please visit Evie's blog Got Passion? to find out the story behind Jemma's photo.

Click here to see the rest of the Diptych Project.

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