The Diptych Project {Guest Posts}: Creativity

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Diptych Project {Guest Posts}: two photos, one theme
Top photo: Ben (USA), bottom photo: Naomi (UK)

Today we are welcoming our second two guest posters on the Diptych Project! The photos were taken
by Ben from the USA and Naomi from the UK.

Ben talks about his picture...
"I feel like taking a photo under the theme of "creativity" left me looking in so many directions, i felt momentarily blinded. In shooting a lot of weddings, to distinguish yourself you need to do something unique, see things a little differently. My entire life I have been looking at clouds, non stop, they are one of my favorite things in the whole world. When I was at this wedding ceremony I couldn't help but stop to notice the clouds, almost not even thinking to feature them in a picture. But that's the
beautiful thing about creativity, is it's personal to the individuals who create.... for me, coming up with a creative shot was just doing what I have enjoyed doing my whole life"

Thoughts from Ann...
"Like Ben, the thought of encapsulating the word creativity leaves me a bit at a loss as it is so different to each person. Looking at Ben's photo of a couple on their wedding day reminds me of how creative and beautiful relationships can be. Different backgrounds, personalities and experiences coming together and creating something new."

Have you got a photo that tells a story about creativity? Go over to The Diptych Project on facebook and share it with us.

Please visit Evie's blog Got Passion? to find out the story behind Naomi's photo.

Click here to see the rest of the Diptych Project.

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