The Diptych Project {Guest Posts}: Faith

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

556732_10151622763844217_1173375956_nfaithThe Diptych Project {Guest Posts}: two photos, one theme
Top photo: Eron (USA), bottom photo: Jude (UK)

Eron on his picture:
The subject is faith and somehow I ended up with a picture of a dog. You may wonder why. I think I spent a long time asking myself "what is 'faith' and what does it mean". Better yet, what does faith look like? I thought of things like Indiana Jones crossing the invisible bridge, people standing on the edge of a cliff, or taking a "leap of faith" from a high dive into the water below. But all of these seemed to complex and still did not capture what faith looked like in everyday life. How often are we going to come across an invisible bridge we have to cross to collect an ancient artifact? Then this weekend I had an opportunity to take an afternoon nap and my dog jumped up on the couch and curled up right next to me. She curled up in a little ball and was content. Then I realized I had stumbled upon it- faith in everyday life.

Think about it for a moment... I wish I had a faith like my dog does. When I took this picture, her food bowl was empty and water dish was low, but that did not concern her. She knew it would be filled. Later on I would leave and head to work for the day; she would be sad that I was leaving but she simply waits on the couch looking out the window for my return. When I do return you cannot begin to contain her excitement. If there is something that frightens her without hesitation she runs and jumps in my lap knowing I will protect her. She has no worries because she knows that her owner is a good owner and a faithful owner, so there is never a need to worry.

The photo may not be of great quality, but I know it at least began to make me think about faith. It makes me wonder how my life would be different if I began to have the same depth of faith in Jesus that resembles the faith my dog has in me. Because Jesus is a far better "owner" than I ever will be and He will surely provide for my every need to a great extent than I ever could. 

Evie's thoughts:
One of the thing that strikes me in Eron's photograph is his composition, the off-centred dog with plenty of space in the area he is facing towards.  In both the photographs this week, I love how Eron and Jude have interpreted the subject of faith. Neither regard themselves as great photographers, but I have immensely enjoyed seeing their efforts and think it is as profound as what I might find in an exhibition.  Such is the power of photography that it can have that impact on you and on others. People can take technically perfect photos that hold no meaning and that is fine for them, but for me, I prefer to see photos like these - that tell a story, that make me see life in a better way.

How would you interpret faith in a photograph? Go on over to The Diptych Project on Facebook and share it with us.

Please visit Evie's blog Got Passion? to find out the story behind Jude's photo.

Click here to see the rest of the Diptych Project.

2 Response to The Diptych Project {Guest Posts}: Faith

August 6, 2013 at 9:12 PM

I love the trust in the dogs eyes, and its true, our lives really would be better if we trusted God as much as our pets trust us.

September 12, 2013 at 4:26 PM

So true, Karen!

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