The Diptych Project {Guest Posts}: Color

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Diptych Project {Guest Posts}: two photos, one theme
Top photo: Johanna (USA), bottom photo: Triona (UK)

This week's photos are taken by two lovely sisters separated by an ocean which is much to big for their (and my!) liking.  They are both very special to me and I was so pleased when they agreed to participate in this project!   Triona lives in London and blogs at Spooning in the Kitchen while Johanna lives in Chicago and blogs at Messy Lab Studio.  They come from such a creative and talented family and it is such a delight to be around them - I am always inspired!  
From Johanna:
When I think about color (or colour as I grew up spelling it in the UK) I tend to go straight to a bright pattern, or a deep color found in nature. When I took this photo, taken on a trip to an island off the coast of Maine, I was drawn to the contrast of neutrals and bright color as well as the glaring man-made object against the gentler tones of the rocks, seaweed and sand. We live in the city of Chicago and it’s so easy to get complacent about our impact on nature as we are not confronted by it every day. In Maine I was aware of how we force nature to make room for us wherever we go. This small, but bright, lobster buoy was another reminder.
I would love to see photos you have taken where the colors really pop:)!  Go on over to The Diptych Project on Facebook and share it with us.

Please visit Evie's blog Got Passion? to find out the story behind Triona's photo.

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