Decorating the tree

Monday, December 5, 2011

We weren't sure whether to go for a big tree this year as we worried Samuel would try to pull it over. In the end we threw caution to the wind and went for it and so far so good! I think the only thing to be concerned about at the moment is what may get lost in the tree because as I am writing this he has deposited the tv remote in the tree. Hopefully none of our phones becomes a tree decoration a la Samuel!

It is so fun that he can start to enjoy this time of year and that we can start to make family traditions together. Already there has been tree decorating, cocoa and popcorn consuming, book reading, cuddling under the lights, and movie watching. One of my favorite new traditons is opening the advent calendar each morning. I made our advent calendar this year and am loving it! I'll post a picture of it soon!

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