Ice skating!

Monday, December 5, 2011

There are so many fantastic ice skating rinks in London and it has become a tradition for Adrian and I to go skating each year. This year I surprised him by booking tickets to the rink at the Tower of London!

We had such a good time and the atmosphere was fantastic. The only downside was that they let on SO many people during our time slot. It ended up being okay, though and we had just the right amount of room to skate and show off our moves:).

There were so many people who were falling all around us and whenever someone fell the crowd reacted with an oooh or awww. There was one particular guy who had never skated before and was literally trying to run on the ice. It was hard not to laugh as he fell in the most spectacular ways always with a big smile on his face. Adrian tried to teach him to skate but to no avail. I probably sound like an awful person but I laughed so hard at some of his skating moves and falls - it was just so funny to watch!

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