What I am perusing...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I absolutely love the library and as I shared here, joining the library in our new city has helped me to feel more apart of this community.  I love reading and though I don't read as much as I would like, it doesn't stop me from enjoying books even if it just means flipping through them to find inspiration.

Here are a few books that I have out at the moment: Donna Hay's Instant Entertaining and  Modern Classics: Book One.  Her cookbooks are gorgeous with delicious recipes and the most scrumptious looking pictures filling almost every page.

I have just started reading A Praying Life with a couple of other woman and it looks to be a really great book about connecting with God. 

I also got out Montessori at Home.  I am really curious about the Montessori approach and though I do know a bit about it from university, there is so much more I want to learn.  I am hoping this book will give me more ideas of what we can do at home to encourage the children developmentally.

The last book is The Decorate Workshop.  I was so excited to see that our library had this book as I attended the launch party for Holly Becker's first book Decorate and really enjoyed meeting her and hearing her speak.  This book is especially pertinent as I am looking for ideas to make our new home more cosy and stylish and this book walks you through 8 steps to help you decorate your home.

Other posts about the library:
A favorite children's author and some mouth watering baking books.

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